Monday, March 22, 2010

How to set the home page

Firefox shows the home page when you start it. You can change the home page to any web site, several web sites, or even a blank page.

Table Of Contents

Setting the home page

There are several ways to set your home page:

Dragging it to the home button

  1. Navigate to the page you want set as your home page.
  2. Click on the icon to the left of the web address and drag it to the Home toolbar button.
  3. Click Yes to confirm.

Use the preferences window.

  1. Navigate to the page you want set as your home page.
  2. On the menu bar, click on the Firefox menu, and select Preferences....
  3. Click on Use Current Pages.
  • When Firefox starts: Controls what Firefox displays when you open it.
    • Show my home page - Displays the home page.
    • Show a blank page - Displays a blank page, which is fastest to load.
    • Show my windows and tabs from last time - Restores the pages you were visiting the last time you closed Firefox. For more information, see Session Restore.

Restoring the default home page

  1. On the menu bar, click on the Firefox menu, and select Preferences....
  2. Select the General panel (Main panel in Firefox 3.5)
  3. In the Startup box, click Restore to Default.
  4. Close the Preferences window.

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